Driving sustainable growth

Nový přírustek do rodiny krokových motorů, logistické AMR vozíky, QuickLab system, spolupráce s Zimmer-group a mnoho dalšího.
Exceptionally high speed and dynamics: Presentation of the new stepper motor AM3248
Factory Automation & Robotics
Firmly on track to autonomous production: The startup Evocortex and FAULHABER together ensure smooth full automation
Medical & Laboratory Equipment
Intelligent modular system for quick solutions: Miniaturized linear motors from FAULHABER unlock new potential for the pharmaceutical industry
Precision Monitoring & Measurement Technology
Because every grain of pollen counts: A pollen monitor driven by FAULHABER provides allergy sufferers with reliable forecasts
Medical & Laboratory Equipment
Automation takes a lot of finesse: Zimmer Group together with FAULHABER drive technology provides the required precision in laboratory automation
Watchmaking Industry
Time follows function: How FAULHABER’s smallest series motor is revolutionizing product design for the watch maker Ressence
Driving sustainable growth: Step by step towards becoming a CO2-neutral company group by reorganizing production and logistics
Sídlo společnosti
Routech s.r.o.
Dr. Milady Horákové 185/66
460 06 Liberec
IČO: 22795481
DIČ: CZ22795481
Pobočka Praha
Routech s.r.o.
Na Celné 5/524
150 00 Praha 5

Společnost Routech s.r.o. je zapsána v Obchodním rejstříku C 31758 vedená u Krajského soudu v Ústí nad Labem.